Miss Pandora

Drag Superstars of Sitges

When we think of drag, many of us instantly think of Ru Paul’s Drag Race. And why not? It’s a brilliant show. But drag doesn’t start and end with the sashaying girls on TV, there are drag queens all over the globe who are shanteing every day. These are the drag superstars who work in the bars and clubs every week and deserve just as much adoration for their charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent. I …

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Gay Travel Review: Sitges

Sitges is a small coastal town just south of Barcelona and has become the gay mecca of the Mediterranean. Imagine a sleepy, Spanish town with white-wash buildings, winding, narrow streets and a vast and beautiful coastline. There are no fast food chains, there are no high street shops and there is very little traffic. Now imagine a huge gay population encapsulating and accommodating every walk of life from twinks to bears, jocks to fetish guys, …

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