The funniest YouTube videos

The internet is a fountain of knowledge with the whole of recorded human history at our fingertips… It’s also an ever increasing world of comedy and viral videos.

I’m always coming across some video that is either epic or hysterical; so thought I would compile them here. This is the ever-expanding collection of my favourite videos currently on YouTube.

My first choice has been circulating social media for the past year and no matter how many times it appears, I always sit through it all and laugh out loud. It is such a clever and inventive marketing campaign.

One of my all time favourite videos. Seen countless times and shown to all my friends. Simply brilliant!

Also from MadTV – this absolute gem.

I had to stop watching this one as I watched it so many times, I started replacing this with the originals. Careful Disney fans, this is so good it could very well ruin your childhood memories.

The next video is totally random, but epic. It’s the reason I love the internet. A singer/songwriter called Rob Cantor wrote this weird song about Shia Labeouf in 2012. The song was viral from Soundcloud, memes and videos were created and then late last year, this incredible video was put together. It’s weird, funny and brilliant!

In 2009 Betty Bowers released a video on what traditional marriage is according to Christianity. It’s fantastic and definitely poignant now the US has legalised gay marriage.

In 2008 there was a show called Beehive that ran for just one season on E4. No one I know ever saw the show, but when this sketch popped up on Youtube, I wish I had.

Keeping with the flying theme is this one…

And this one from Air New Zealand…

Here is Neil Patrick Harris proving he is one of the most talented performers of our generation.

After all that excitement, you’ll probably want to relax… with a Dalek?

Almost forgot about this one… If you don’t know the story, a man called Richard commented on Facebook that Bodyform were misleading people with their adverts. This was the response!

More to come! 🙂

Terry Gee