
I’m angry, frustrated and disappointed.
The universe is huge – that’s an understatement – it is bigger than any of us could ever comprehend. Earth is in a solar system we don’t have technology to leave and is one of millions of solar systems in our galaxy which is one of millions of galaxies in a seemingly infinite space we call the universe. Earth is a tiny speck in this void and until faster than light speed is invented (which may never happen) the only life we know of in the entire universe is on our tiny, insignificant planet. Why then are we not looking after our own species?
We get so caught up with our own selfish lives, how important it is for me to be comfortable, how happy I am, being the king of my own little world – when it should be us, we and our. Human beings who are exactly – EXACTLY – the same as you are dying, hungry, scared and in pain. They reside on the same rock as you and are no different from any of us. Money and stature mean nothing at the base level. We are not countries divided, we are one world united by the fact we are all the same species. Stop thinking so small and remember who you are, where you came from and that every living being on this planet deserves to live just as much as you do.
Read this comic from Upworthy, it will explain in five minutes exactly what has happened and is happening right now in Syria. We all played a part in this and need to help those desperate souls who have nowhere to go and no one to help them. We can help! Pledge, protest, petition!
